Our Service Sectors Includes...
Fire Alarm Systems
Our core activity is the design,supply,commissioning and maintenance of fire detection systems.It is essential that a fire alarm system is installed correctly and subject to inspection and maintenance by highly trained engineers. This ensures that any potential false alarms or faults can be identified and preventive measures taken to ensure the continued reliability of the system. Fire Alarm detection system is a combination of fire alarm control equipment and fire alarm indicating equipment. Fire Detection System detects the fire by means of sensing smoke, sudden rise in the temperature with electronic equipments; logically and hence produce output in the form of alarm by energizing the audio / visual devices. All components and interconnections between every fire alarm initiation point (call points and detectors) and every fire alarm device. Alarm receiving centre is a permanently manned centre, usually provided by a commercial organisation, the staff of which, upon receipt of a fire signal notify the fire service.The following devices are used normally for fire detection system:
Fire Alarm Panel.
Fire Detectors.
Interface Input / Output Modules.
Manuel Break Glass.
Responce Indicator .
Our team of Qualified & dedicated Engineers can carry out site study, Design, Engineer the whole fire detection & safety solution & can ensure the safety of your people, premises, infrastructure & assets.Suppression System
Fire Suppression Systems are commonly used on heavy power equipment. Suppression systems use a combination of dry chemicals and/or wet agents to suppress equipment fires. Suppression systems have become a necessity to several industries as they help control damage and loss to equipment. Common means of detection are through heat sensors, wiring, or manual detection (depending on system selection).
Fire Extinguisher
A fire extinguisher, or extinguisher, is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations.Typically, a fire extinguisher consists of a hand-held cylindrical pressure vessel containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish a fire.